The 1963 edition of the ‘Automobile Association of Ceylon Handbook’ contains Information Regarding Membership, Gazetteer of Ceylon, List of Resthouses, List of Circuit Bungalows, Accident Procedure, Legal Section, First Aid Notes, List of Hospitals in Ceylon and The Growth of Membership. Pictured below are some of the many adverts, maps, and other pages from the handbook.
Rockland Lemon Gin AdRockland Pure Gin AdDon Somapala Corporation AdGoodlass Paints AdAllman Mistblowers AdWalker, Sons & Co., LTD AdSafe Driving TipsTangana Tea AdMembership Growth of the Automobile AssociationThe Board of The Automobile AssociationNational and Grindlays Bank AdMercantile Bank AdLucas Motor Accessories AdCollettes and Associates AdDunlop Tyre AdFisk Tyre AdHillaldam Gears AdGoodyear Tyre – Richard Pieris AdNestomalt – Nestle AdExide Battery AdBaurs AdHonorary Membership of The Automobile AssociationIndependent Insurance Company (Ceylon) LTD. AdRockland Lemon Gin AdShell AdBMC Parts for Austin and Morris AdIndian High Commission AdsCeylon Carriers LTD AdRockland Distilleries Ad