This was probably the oldest bakery in Wellawatte, located on the seaside of Galle Road between Nelson Place and Boswell Place.

Founded by Podisinno Perera in the early 1900s, it is still very much a family company. Unlike today’s storeyed edifice, with its sunshades and hardy steel scaffolding, back in the 50s and 60s it was then a modest bakery selling bread and a few other baked items such as buns and fish buns. It was one of only three suppliers of bread in Wellawatte, the others being Canal View Stores by the Wellawatte Canal and Elephant House, which delivered both milk and bread to households.
They also had a small fleet of tricycles, with large metal boxes mounted in front and painted green, which would do the rounds in the neighbourhood selling bread and buns. The men who did the rounds both in the mornings and evenings would ring the bells of their bicycles to signal their approach to residents.
Credit – Roar Media